Monday, November 3, 2014

Corrupted Government, Is it needed or not? - Part 1

  Many Texans realize that their government is corrupted, but why not fix it? Many will say that it is unavoidable and/or needed, while others will say it should be fixed and do nothing about it themselves. In that regard, which forms of corruption is tolerable and which ones should be put to rest? In order to determine which ones should stay, and which should go let us take a look at a few of the more blunt issues.

  In session voting is by law limited to one vote per representative. If a representative is found voting for somebody else in the session than they are to be punished. Makes sense, the same applies for normal citizens as well. If we are found voting for anyone other than ourselves than we are punished. As for legislators, the same rules apply while taking a vote in session, yet they all break it.

  Most Americans realize that most of the time representatives don't show up for most votes until the end of the session. Even so, we accept that since we can just vote someone else in if our representative doesn't show up enough. The ones that do show up will vote for the ones that do not show up regardless of party! The corrupt part is that they are the ones that decide what the punishment for breaking that LAW. So in the end your opinion, your vote, rides on who can press the most buttons in a short period of time. This law needs to be enforced otherwise there is no point in have representatives.

  Another governmental corruption allows representatives to tell the scribes to change the content of their speech. This means that if legislators said something controversial to what they are suppose to represent in order to help themselves in a vote or other circumstances. They can legally change the records in order to hide their lies and mistakes. The legislators say this helps to clear up any misunderstandings they made in their speech. Records are meant to record what ACTUALLY happened, not what you wanted to happen. This needs to be fixed so that our government documents are true instead of propaganda.